Hiring and Recruitment Resources

Employee Headcount Page

More than 2,554 people work at IU South Bend’s campus and our office works to insure that we have the most diverse population of qualified employees possible.

Find job opportunities at IU South Bend by clicking here

The Office of Institutional Equity and Inclusive Excellence helps the campus Chancellor monitor, assess and create action plans for affirmative action records. Our staff can work with leadership in each unit across the South Bend campus to share the official headcount and offer guidance for each unit’s plan to increase diversity when needed.

You may view the most current census and run reports for various demographic data at Indiana University using the link below.



Hiring/Recruitment Resources

Recruiting Resources 

The Office of Institutional Equity and Inclusive Excellence has direct responsibility for the construction, monitoring, and carrying out of the university's Affirmative Action Plan. It is our goal to make sure we assist our campus community in providing a diverse, equitable environment that is inclusive to all and free from any and all discriminatory hiring practices.

Affirmative Action is not: (1) setting hiring quotas, (2) Giving preferential treatment to women and minority applicants, nor (3) hiring unqualified applicants.

The purpose of Affirmative Action Plan is to examine the diversity of our workforce at IU South Bend.  If we are deficient in areas in terms of representation, goals are set with the expectation that we as an institution will exercise good faith efforts in achieving future goals set forth.  In doing so, we will not lower qualifications for women or minority applicants, instead IU South Bend will strive to remove barriers for underrepresented applicants by training and educating our search committees, hiring managers, administrators, and the campus community.

Indiana University South Bend

1700 Mishawaka Ave
South Bend, IN 46615
Phone: 574-520-4872